Build an affordable local art collection while supporting Grand Rapids artists with a CSArt Collection.
HOW DOES IT WORK? A jury of art experts carefully selected 9 emerging and established artists from our immediate community for this inaugural CSArt program. Each artist receives a commission for creating 50 works of art exclusively for this program. This work is then sold in the form of 50 collections to the West Michigan community, with a collection consisting of 9 original works of art (1 piece from each of the 9 artists). You can view examples of the 9 artists’ work below as well as short descriptions of what they are currently working on for this inaugural CSArt collection.
In August, September, and October, collectors will receive the artwork three-at-at-time at three pick-up events held at Blandford Nature Center, GR’s Uptown district, and a brand new downtown event space. Each will be a festive morning held in Grand Rapids with local food and music as well as opportunities to meet the artists. Details will be emailed to each collector.
Full share: nine original artworks from the artists below.
Full share CSArt collections will still be on sale after August 21st, but there will be only two pick up parties remaining.
Fractional share: three art pieces randomly selected from the nine artworks of the full 2021 collection.